Thursday, June 03, 2010


I really like chewing gum. So this was why I was a little ticked that I washed my pack of gum in the laundry. But what it looked like as a result was interesting. Like little silvery green easter eggs.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Preschool Grad ~ ya kid you're gonna go far!

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!

You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

You'll look up and down streets. Look 'em over with care.

About some you will say, "I don't choose to go there."
With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet,
you're too smart to go down any not-so-good street.

Keyan had his preschool graduation today. I always thought of preschool graduation as a silly thing, but at yesterday's "ceremony", I found it quite touching and moving. These sweet kids have their wholes lives ahead of them. 

I know Keyan has many bright days ahead of him. I am honored to be a player and a spectator in his life. :) 

Hididdileedee ~ a pirates life for me!

"Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates." ~ Mark Twain

So, we all know that pirates were a naughty folk, pillaging, looting and pretty much causing problems every where they ventured. Then why is it, they are so freakin' cool? Come on arrrrrrghhh.

The other night we went to Pirate Island Pizza, here in St. George. I think I had more fun than the boys. I did refrain, however, from buying the wench t-shirt, though it was difficult. 

There were cannons, eye patches and peg legs (also a pretty good salad bar). Then after we enjoyed our Tortuga Pizza, we set sail for the arcade. That was a lot of fun too. I do recommend it ye scurvy dog.

 Today, we went for a little bit of a tamer route, and voted for McDonald's. 

Saturday, January 09, 2010

I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post. I am a lazy blogger.

A lot has happened. Our little family is doing so well. Keyan is four years old and full of life, adventure and curiosity. He is always so busy, I can never keep up. He is the poster boy for youth and adventure. I love him so much.
Dylan has grown and grown. He is now 17 months old and so cuddly. He loves to give kisses and hugs and to be with mommy, daddy and brother. He also loves balls and beep beeps (cars) and loves to imitate his older brother. They are so wonderful together.

I went back to college last year. I am going to pursue a nursing degree. I am in the process of finishing all of my prerequisites and then will apply at the program at Dixie College. I cannot tell you how excited I am. So, far I have done really well in all my classes and am hopeful to continue doing so. EEEEE :)

Justin is doing well at the vision center. He loves his job. Recently, his uncle sold his clinic to another Dr. Things have been going well with the new doctor and Justin has a good relationship with him. My work has also been going really well, which is such a blessing in this "crappy sucky" economy.

Things are going good. Luvs~

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Good Eats!

I've started a cooking and baking blog titled,
"McKenzi's Kitchen ~ Good Eats!"

I will be posting my cooking adventures and recipes on it! I hope you will take a peek! I've added a link to the side.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Year

Hi Everybody,

Life has been a little bit crazy lately. Justin got his appendix out last week and I've been battling a dumb kidney infection. But, things are finally looking up and we are both feeling better.

Other than that, life has pretty much been the norm. (I guess that isn't completely true, running after a three year old and tending my 5 month old is never boring - you know what I mean moms!)

I'm almost done with my school work at Dixie, only one more class to finish up. I'm very excited!

Keyan has been doing very well in pre-school and he loves all his classmates. And Dylan is growing like a dyl week (as we lovingly call him).

I recently had the boy's pictures taken at Kiddie Kandids, I'm very pleased with them. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Sorry it has been so long since my last post, as you know, I am absolutely awful and this blogging stuff.

Anyway, so things are going really great. Dylan has been growing a ton, he is not almost 17 lbs. I have shrimpy babies that grow way fast into really big babies, Keyan was the same way. At three months old Dylan now wears 12 month clothing. LOL!

He is also smiling like a mad man! I love it! It is so fun when they start doing this. Keyan adores him too and has adjusted well to his new found brotherdome.

As far as the rest of my life, work is going really well. I am just lucky to have a job in this crumbling economy. Intermountain has taken some hits though and had some lay-offs, our clinic, luckily is sound and doing just awesome. Justin's work has also been steadily busy, actually busier than last year, so we are really blessed and are able to keep on keepin on.

I am also please to announce that I've lost 55 lbs!!! As most of you know when I am pregnant I gain an insane amount of weight! LOL I usually deliver my babies weighing at about 210 lbs or so, so I am excited to be back down to normal or close to again. I've become addicted to Turbo Jam at the gym, I love that class! So much fun.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On Thursday, August 14th at 1:45 am, we welcomed Dylan James Luke into our family! He weight 6 lbs 9 oz and was 19 inches long. Interestingly enough, that was Keyan's exact weight and heigth as well.

Everything went really well, I was only in labor for about 5 hours or so, not too bad. Had a lovely epidural :-)!!!!!

Keyan is adjusting pretty well I think. He says he loves his baby, though at times he has seemed a little put-off that he has to share the spotlight. :-) But, he is really doing well too. I love my boys.

I'm doing really great too. With my first pregnancy I had a lot of pain and emotional stuff afterwards, but, cross your fingers, so far I feel fantastic. No pain and no emotional problems!!! HURRAY!!!! Just feeling good and lots of love.

Justin is doing great too. He was excited and anxious about our new family members arrival, but he couldn't be a happier dad.